home sweet home
i got home last tuesday, and it's been a ball since. i unpacked everything, especially my books (after daddy came home too)...mommy and i hemmed and hawed and shifted and squeezed until we fit all the new books into an already-full set of bookcases. we've also been baking strawberry pies (at the same pace that i eat them, which is about a slice a day...except one day i had TWO slices), and waking up late (generally 9:30am for me). very fun.
one of the days we had dimsum with auntie elaine in koko marina

i also spent a morning going to doctors' appointments...to the dermatologist's and to healthpass. my total cholesterol went down, but so did my good cholesterol. my fasting glucose went down too. my body fat is 18% compared to the recommended 24-31%, whereas last year i was 11% compared to the recommended 12-18%...how the measuring is being done (or not) is beyond me. i took a picture with the model of 5lbs of fat...only, i wasn't able to swallow my cookie in time, so (ironically) this is a picture of me with 5lbs of fat and a mouth stuffed with cookie. hahaha.

also had dinner (at spices) with uncle les, auntie kyukyu, and their son ryan (who's '92). we ran into mr hamamoto and mr dyke there...both of whom pretended rather unsuccessfully to recognize us when we went over to say hello.

the other day i had coffee with jenny and ced (our advanced pre-calc honors teacher) in manoa...2 hours flew by like nothing...we had lots of fun chatting, and ran into both clynton namuo (i always run into him!) and jack canfield (who recognizes me even though i've never had him)! it was lots of fun.
goo-ma and goo-jeung (my paternal aunt, and uncle) came today from hong kong. we had lunch at zippy's, then dinner at morton's. it's goo-jeung's bday, and he's been celebrating for two days because of the time differences...so cool! tomorrow we're going to maui, after which there'll be lots of cool pictures, and even more if i can get the pictures from my underwater cameras up!

the perfect guy
Hair color? | should include brown |
Eye color? | hazel/blue/green |
Height? | taller than 5'9" |
Six pack? | not resting |
Long hair or short? | medium |
Glasses? | hmm...prob not |
Piercings? | nooooo |
Eyebrows? | normal? |
Big butt or little? | medium |
Chest hair? | noooo |
Buff or skinny? | medium |
Teeth? | healthy |
Section 2 | |
Funny or serious? | funny |
Party-hopper or more stay-at-home? | stay-at-home |
Should he be able to bake or cook? | yes |
Does he have a best friend? | yes |
Is it okay for him to have a lot of female friends? | everything in moderation |
Out-going or shy? | on the shy side |
Sarcastic or sincere? | sincere |
Does he love his mother? | of course |
Should he watch chick-flicks? | the ones i like |
Would he be a smoker? | absolutely not |
How about a drinking? | ideally no |
And swearing? | rarely |
Would he play with your hair? | yes yes yes! |
Would he have more than one girlfriend at a time? | oh HELL no |
Would he pay for you when you're on a date? | yes |
Does he kiss on the first date? | no |
Where would you go for dinner? | someplace cool and calm |
Would he buy you flowers? | yes |
Would he lay under the stars with you and spout random philosophies? | not the random philosophy part |
Would he write poetry about you? | yes |
Would he use endearments? | yes, not overly |
Would he hang out with your and YOUR friends? | yes |
How about you hanging out with him and HIS friends? | absolutely |
Would he walk you up to the door at the end of the evening? | yes |
Would you hold hands? | of course! |
Section 3 | |
Does he play soccer? | maybe |
Baseball? | sure =) |
Football? | no! |
Basketball? | sure |
Water polo? | no |
Golf or something equally boring? | no |
Does he surf? | no but he could |
Skateboard? | no |
Snowboard? | when we ski |
Can he sing? | only matters that he does |
Play the guitar? | yes |
Play piano? | yes |
Play the drums? | yes |
Can he keep his room clean? | yes and efficiently so |
Is he an artist of sorts? | no |
Does he write his own music? | no |
Does he have pets? | yes! |
Section 4 | |
Does he use the word dude? | sparingly |
How about tight? | rarely |
Would he watch the sun rise and set with you? | yes |
What kind of car does he drive? | one with stick, that's well-kept |
How old is he? | not more than 4 years older or 1 year younger |
What's his name? | doesnt matter. not jose. or michel. |
flew down to FL to visit matt...
got in friday evening, met his family, ate a late dinner, and played sequence with the pembertons. saturday morning after breakfast we went to new smyrna beach (after stopping by walmart & kfc) -- the first time i've been to the beach since january. in the afternoon we biked around the neighborhood and explored the railroad tracks, a blueberry/grasshopper field, and called on mrs d (?) and mr stormann (sp?)...as well as on a nice hill of fire-ants. ouch. we had dinner at home and celebrated esther's sweet sixteen...then went out rockclimbing with her, mary, and the pembertons in longwood. after that we went to steak'n'shake before making it home at around 1am (!!).
sunday morning we went to church and matt made me stand up and be introduced. =P haha. after lunch we hung around the house for awhile before going to deleon springs...while we waited for the springs to open matt took me out in his boat along the river and we saw two alligators, lots of little coot birds, some blue herons, egrets, &c. very cool! and i got to drive =). after the springs we went home for a quick shower and dinner before going to PATH with katherine! on monday we slept in, then had morning singing before matt and i went to tour deland. we went to see the hummingbird garden by a marina, then to the town itself where we walked around before having lunch. we went back home and caught mary, esther, katherine and sam as they were grasshopper catching, and joined them for awhile before going home to help churn peach ice cream. then i packed and we went to the airport!

me holding one of their chickens

with the boys at the beach

holding matt's snake with sam

with katherine at PATH

feeding a horse along the road

with esther, betsy, and mary

the whole family

with matt at the airport ; )