flew down to FL to visit matt...
got in friday evening, met his family, ate a late dinner, and played sequence with the pembertons. saturday morning after breakfast we went to new smyrna beach (after stopping by walmart & kfc) -- the first time i've been to the beach since january. in the afternoon we biked around the neighborhood and explored the railroad tracks, a blueberry/grasshopper field, and called on mrs d (?) and mr stormann (sp?)...as well as on a nice hill of fire-ants. ouch. we had dinner at home and celebrated esther's sweet sixteen...then went out rockclimbing with her, mary, and the pembertons in longwood. after that we went to steak'n'shake before making it home at around 1am (!!).
sunday morning we went to church and matt made me stand up and be introduced. =P haha. after lunch we hung around the house for awhile before going to deleon springs...while we waited for the springs to open matt took me out in his boat along the river and we saw two alligators, lots of little coot birds, some blue herons, egrets, &c. very cool! and i got to drive =). after the springs we went home for a quick shower and dinner before going to PATH with katherine! on monday we slept in, then had morning singing before matt and i went to tour deland. we went to see the hummingbird garden by a marina, then to the town itself where we walked around before having lunch. we went back home and caught mary, esther, katherine and sam as they were grasshopper catching, and joined them for awhile before going home to help churn peach ice cream. then i packed and we went to the airport!

me holding one of their chickens

with the boys at the beach

holding matt's snake with sam

with katherine at PATH

feeding a horse along the road

with esther, betsy, and mary

the whole family

with matt at the airport ; )
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